comunicato in italiano
interacting on the reality interface
César Meneghetti
in collaborazione con Enrico Blasi, Sam Cole e Matthew Mountford
a cura di Simonetta Lux e Domenico Scudero
Inaugurazione: mercoledì 3 dicembre 2008, ore 18:30
Martedì 3 dicembre 2008, presso le sale espositive del MLAC - Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, Sapienza Università di Roma, si inaugura K_lab – interacting on a reality interface, un progetto artistico di César Meneghetti realizzato con Enrico Blasi e Sam Cole. Il Sound design è di Matthew Mountford. La mostra è a cura di Simonetta Lux e Domenico Scudero.
Già negli anni ’70 la valle di Keita in Niger era in piena crisi. Desertificazione, deforestazione, crollo della produzione agricola, incremento demografico, esodo rurale avevano investito non solo la valle, ma tutto il Sahel. La disastrosa siccità del 1984 causò infine una catastrofe devastante per la vasta zona e i suoi 100.000 abitanti. A partire dal 1983, la Cooperazione italiana aveva avviato, in accordo con il Governo della Repubblica del Niger, il Programma di Sviluppo Rurale di Keita, con l’obiettivo di recuperare la valle. Ma il miracolo della rinascita di Keita si deve soprattutto dalla straordinaria mobilitazione degli abitanti.
Tra giugno e novembre 2007, in diverse missioni a Keita nel quadro del progetto PAFAGE realizzato dall’Istituto di Biometeorologia del CNR e dall’Accademia dei Georgofili su finanziamento della Cooperazione Italiana, César Meneghetti, Enrico Blasi e Sam Cole raccontando la fatica incessante degli abitanti di Keita, partecipando alla loro quotidianità, raccogliendo le loro testimonianze, ma anche scambiando con loro pensieri, emozioni, riflessioni sull’amore, la vita, la morte, hanno dato vita al “laboratorio K”, un progetto artistico multidisiciplinare e interattivo, un osservatorio, contenitore di idee, culture, suggestioni generate da quelll’incontro. Il lavoro sviluppato in questa prima fase di laboratorio comprende: video (le dernière clipper e still/meneghetti), installazioni (videocabina#2/meneghetti, 4scapes/cole), fotografie (blasi/meneghetti), suoni (mountford/meneghetti/cole). L’intento è quello di suggerire la lettura di un territorio che è sì la durezza morfologica dell’ aspro paesaggio desertico, ma anche la forza e l’operosità di chi lo vive. Ritratti, dettagli, testimonianze, panorami svelano il senso profondo della rappresentazione dei luoghi. I confini di realtà e l’interfaccia tecnologica, il documento, la narrativa, il lavoro sociologico nato sul campo convergono, lanciando un approccio multiplo su un unico oggetto di osservazione, dove il vero e l'immaginazione finiscono con l’ instaurare uno straniante rapporto di complicità con lo spettatore. L’evento fa parte del ciclo espositivo IPERCONTEMPORANEA 1 del MLAC diretto da Simonetta Lux e curato da Domenico Scudero, con il contributo della Regione Lazio “Applicazione nuove tecnologie multimediali arte contemporanea”.
comunicado em português
interacting on the reality interface
César Meneghetti
em colaboração com Enrico Blasi, Sam Cole e Matthew Mountford
a cura de Simonetta Lux e Domenico Scudero
Inauguração: quarta-feira 3 de dezembro 2008, às 18:30
Quarta-feira 3 de dezembro 2008, no MLAC – Museu laboratório de Arte Contemporânea, Universidade de Roma “La Sapienza”, será inaugurada a mostra K_lab - interacting on the reality interface, um projeto artístico de César Meneghetti realizado com Enrico Blasi e Sam Cole. Soundscapes de Matthew Mountford. O evento tem a curadoria de Simonetta Lux e Domenico Scudero.
Nos anos 70, o vale de Keita, no Niger, foi vitima de crise terrível. O empobrecimento da produção agrícola, o desflorestamento, a desertificação, o incremento demográfico, o êxodo rural tinham castigado toda a área do Sahel. A seca devastadora causou uma catástrofe para mais de 100.000 habitantes. No começo de 1983, a Cooperação Internacional italiana iniciou, junto ao governo de Niger, um programa do desenvolvimento rural na área de Keita, a fim de recuperar todo o vale. Mas o renascimento de Keita dependeu sobretudo da mobilização extraordinária de seus habitantes. Entre junho e novembro de 2007, em diversas missões à Keita dentro do projeto de PAFAGE (IBIMET –Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa Italiano) o artista/film-maker brasileiro César Meneghetti, o fotografo italiano Enrico Blasi e o cinegrafista inglês Sam Cole foram encarregados de narrar o trabalho da população de Keita, em luta constante contra a desertificação na zona limítrofe entre o Saara e a África central. Participando de seu quotidiano, recolhendo depoimentos, trocando pensamentos e emoções sobre conceitos básicos da existência. Foi assim que nasceu o “laboratório K”, um projeto artístico multidisciplinar e interativo, um observatório, um container de idéias e de culturas. A partir dos estímulos gerados dessa experiência desenvolveu-se um trabalho que será exposto nesta primeira fase como laboratório experimental: 15 vídeos (Meneghetti), uma vídeo-instalação de 8 canais (Meneghetti/Cole), fotografias (Blasi/Meneghetti) e soundscapes (Mountford/Meneghetti). Por meio de retratos, detalhes, depoimentos e paisagens, o laboratório busca revelar um sentido profundo de “lugar” e de representação. Trata-se de uma tentativa de propor uma releitura de um território que combina, ao mesmo tempo, dureza morfológica e a paisagem poética do deserto, aliados à força e o esforço dos habitantes que lá vivem e que conseguiram deter o avanço do Saara. As fronteiras entre a realidade e o suporte tecnológico, o documento e a narrativa, assim como o trabalho sociológico convergem, lançando a possibilidade de uma abordagem múltipla a um único objeto de observação. onde verdade e imaginação terminam por instaurar um relacionamento de cumplicidade com o espectador. A mostra faz parte do ciclo expositivo IPERCONTEMPORANEA 1 do MLAC dirigido por Simonetta Lux e a cura de Domenico Scudero com o suporte da região do Lazio para “Aplicações as novas tecnologias multimediais na arte contemporânea”. MLAC expõe a primeira parte do trabalho in progress.
release in english
interacting on the reality interface
César Meneghetti
In collaboration with Enrico Blasi, Sam Cole e Matthew Mountford
Cured by Simonetta Lux and Domenico Scudero
Inauguration: 3rd December 2008, 18:30h
Wednesday December 3rd at the MLAC - Museum Laboratory of Contemporary Art, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, inaugurates the multimedia exhibition K_lab - interacting on to reality interface, an art project by César Meneghetti developed with Enrico Blasi and Sam Cole and Matthew Mountford.
The event is curated by Simonetta Lux and Domenico Scudero.
comunicado de prensa en spañol
interacting on the reality interface
César Meneghetti
en colaboración con Enrico Blasi, Sam Cole e Matthew Mountford
A cura de Simonetta Lux and Domenico Scudero
Inauguración: 3 Deciembre 2008, 18:30h
Miércoles 3 de diciembre en el MLAC – Museo Laboratorio de Arte Contemporáneo, Universidad de Roma “La Sapienza”, inauguración de la exposición K_lab - interacting on the reality interface, un proyecto artístico de César Meneghetti desarrollado en colaboración con Enrico Blasi, Sam Cole y Matthew Mountford.
La muestra es realizada con la curadoria de Simonetta Lux y Domenico Scudero.
Durante los años 70 el valle de Keita, en Níger vivio un período de crisis terrible. La catástrofe afectó la producción agrícola y también el área fue golpeada por la desertificación, la tala de árboles, el aumento de la población y el éxodo rural. La sequía causó una calamidad para más de 100.000 habitantes del área. Al principio de 1983, la agencia italiana para la cooperación junto con el gobierno de Níger, desarrolló un programa para el desarrollo rural de Keita dirigido para relevar el área afectada y la ayuda de su desarrollo: casi 30 millones de nuevos árboles fueron replantados y el avance natural del desierto fue parado. El renacimiento de Keita es sobre todo debido a la actividad extraordinaria de sus habitantes e de los trabajadores agrícolas (o campesinos), en mayor parte hecho por mujeres. Entre junio y noviembre de 2007, durante varias misiones el artista brasileño César Meneghetti, el fotógrafo italiano Enrique Blasi y el documentalista ingles Sam Cole participaron de la vida cuotidiana del pueblo local. Recogieron los testimonios de la gente, intercambiando sus pensamientos, emociones y conceptos básicos de existencia. Eran éstas las bases para la creación del “laboratorio K”, un proyecto multidisciplinario y artístico: un observatorio, un container de ideas, de las culturas y de las sugerencias generadas por esta experiencia. El material recogido fue transformado y convertido en obras para esta primera fase del laboratorio y el resultado son: 18 vídeos (meneghetti), una vídeo-instalación de 8 canales (meneghetti/cole), fotografías (blasi/meneghetti) y soundscapes (mountford/meneghetti). La finalidad es la de expresar la dureza morfológica del desierto e interpretar el territorio, pero sobretodo las personas. Los retratos, detalles, testimonios, paisajes revelan el sentido profundo y la representación del “lugar” y de su “percepción”. Las fronteras de la realidad y del interfaz tecnológico, el documento, la narración, el trabajo sociológico sobre el campo convergen, poniendo en marcha un acercamiento múltiple en un solo objeto de observación. La realidad y la imaginación establecen en última instancia una relación inusual de la complicidad con el espectador. El MLAC será el primer segmento para presentar estas obras en fase de creación. Después de esta primera cita el K_lab transitará en otras ciudades como Florencia, São Pablo, La Habana y otros lugares en el mundo para después retornar a África.
press release en français
interacting on the reality interface
César Meneghetti
en collaboration avec Enrico Blasi, Sam Cole e Matthew Mountford
commissariat par Simonetta Lux et Domenico Scudero
Inauguration : 3 décembre 2008, 18:30 h
Mercredi 3 décembre au MLAC - le laboratoire de musée d'art contemporain, université de Rome « La Sapienza », inaugure l'exposition multimédia K_lab - interacting on to reality interface, un projet artistique de César Meneghetti développé avec Enrico Blasi et Sam Cole et Matthew Mountford.
The event is curated by Simonetta Lux and Domenico Scudero.
Pendant les années ‘70 la vallée de Keita, au Niger, a subit une période de crise terrible, la chute de la production agricole et le terrain ont été également frappés par désertification, déboisement, augmentation de population et exode rural. la sécheresse a causé une catastrophe pour plus de 100.000 habitants de la région. Au début de 1983, l'agence italienne pour la coopération ainsi que le gouvernement du Niger, ont conçu un programme pour le développement rural DU Keita visant A soulager le sol affecté et a aider son essor: presque 30 millions de nouveaux arbres ont été replantés et l'avance normale du désert s’est arrêtée.
La renaissance du Keita est la plupart du temps due à l'activité extraordinnaire de ses habitants. entre juin et novembre de 2007, pendant plusieurs missions César Meneghetti, Enrico Blasi et Sam Cole ont participé à la vie quotidienne de la population locale. ils ont rassemblé les témoignages des personnes, recevant leurs pensées, émotions et concepts de base d'existence. ceci était le fondement pour la création de « laboratoire k », un projet multi-disciplinnaire et interactif artistique. un observatoire, un récipient d'idées, de cultures et de suggestions produites grâce à cette expérience. le matériel rassemblé a été édité et développé dès cette première phase du laboratoire et le résultat en est: 22 vidéos, un vidéo-installation de 8 chaînes (meneghetti/cole), photographies (blasi/meneghetti) et soundscapes (mountford). Le but est d'exprimer la rudesse morphologique du désert et d'interpréter le territoire. Les portraits, détails, témoignages, paysages indiquent le sens profond et la représentation du « endroit ». Les frontières de la réalité et de l'interface technologique, le document, le récit, le travail sociologique sur le champ convergent, lançant une approche multiple sur un objet simple d'observation. La réalité et l'imagination établissent finalement un rapport peu commun de la complicité avec le spectateur. Le MLAC sera une première étape pour présenter ces travaux en cours. Après quoi, l'exposition deviendra itinérante vers d'autres villes comme Florence, São Paulo, La Havane aussi bien que l' Afrique.
CÉSAR MENEGHETTI artiste et réalisateur, né à São Paulo, Brésil. Son oeuvre se rapproche à la réflexion sociale grâce à une esthétique expérimentale ménagée par un système d’interaction entre médias des hémisphères nord et sud. Il se sert aussi bien du moyen cinématographique que du video, la photographie, la peinture et l’installation. Il a realisé plusieurs films, documentaires et videos expérimentaux, et a participé à une série d’expositions dans plus de 40 pays et reçu innombrables prix. C’est un des 22 artistes du volume Arte Ipercontemporanea – ‘Un certo loro sguardo... ulteriori protocolli dell’arte contemporanea’ (Un certain regard à eux… protocoles ultérieurs de l’art contemporain).
SAM COLE, né en Angleterre, vit en Italie depuis 20 ans. Video-reporter et réalisateur, il collabore avec plusieurs agences de presse et ONGs du monde.
ENRICO BLASI, né à Rome, il est photographe de publicité et auteur de certaines campagnes publicitaires pour les marques italiennes les plus importantes. Engagé depuis plus de 20 ans dans le social, il colabore activement avec des institutions internationales.
MATTHEW MOUNTFORD, né en Angleterre, il déménage jeune pour l’Italie. Sound designer et producteur, en ’93 il fonde le Surya lab et travaille avec Pressure Drop, Cybophonia, Agricantus, Charlie Anderson, Muslimgauze, The Orb, Loop Guru et tant d’autres.
La performance fait partie du cycle IPERCONTEMPORANEA 1 du MLAC dirigé par Simonetta Lux et commissariat par Domenico Scudero, avec la contribution de la région du Lazio «technologies d'application de multimédia sur l'art contemporain».
3 Décembre – 30 Décembre 2008
Lun - Vend 10:00h – 19:30h
Directrice: Simonetta Lux
Curator: Simonetta Lux e Domenico Scudero
Agent de Presse: Giorgia Calò
Keita Niger Rural development Forestation Land cover
Andrea DI VECCHIA∗, Giancarlo PINI†, Federica SORANI‡, Vieri TARCHIANI*
Working Paper n. 26 - 2007
ISSN 1774-4943 ISBN 978-88-96128-26-0
Summary. The Keita Department, in the Republic of Niger, is composed by a complex system of watersheds subject to strong wind and water erosion. The Keita Project (PDR-ADM) launched in 1984 in a region close to the environmental collapse. The main objective was to increase food security while combating desertification through the reduction of soil erosion and reforestation. More than 20 years of soil conservation and
land reclamation interventions make Keita an open air laboratory where is possible to carry out studies on the impacts of fight against desertification actions from the environmental and socio-economic points of view. Between 1984 and 2002 woodlands increased more than 300%, wood production by 49% while leaf biomass by 57% and cereal production by 41%. Keita has proven that desertification control and recovery is
demanding projects lasting decades because reclamation needs twice the time necessary for degradation and prevention is extremely less costly than reclamation.
CER Certified Sequestration Units
CeSIA Study Center for Informatics Applications in Agriculture
CIRPS Interuniversity Research Center for Sustainable Development
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
F CFA African Financial Community Franc
FLD ADM Ader Doutchi Maggia Local Development Fund
Ha Hectares
GDP Gross Domestic Product
IBIMET CNR National Research Council Bio Meteo Institute
LCCS Land Cover Classification System
MAE DGCS Directorate General for Development Cooperation Min. For. Aff.
PAFAGE Environment Management Assistance & Training Support Project
PDR ADM Ader Doutchi Maggia Rural Development Project
PEICRE Environment Recover & Conservation Realizations Assessment Project
ROSELT Long Term Watch Observatories Network
UBT Tropical Livestock Unit
UNCBD United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combact Desertification
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UTL Local Technical Unit
WDI World Development Indicators
Andrea Di Vecchia, Giancarlo Pini, Francesca Soriani, Vieri Tarchiani
1. The Keita ecosystem
The Keita Department is located in the centre of the Republic of Niger and
covers, an area of more than 4,860 sq km composed of a plateau with rocky slopes
and valleys, forming a complex system of watersheds subject to strong winds and
water erosion. The Soudano Sahelian climate with a short rainy season (June -
September) and a yearly average between 400 and 500 mm, represents one of the
main limiting factors due to the intra-annual and inter-annual variable rains.
Between 1960 and 1990 a decrease of yearly average rainfall was observed,
particularly during the month of August, with a latitude shift of 30 km from
Northeast to Southwest. In 1962 plateaus and slopes were entirely covered by
forest. Starting in 1972 evident signs of forest degradation appeared and in 1984
this forest had completely disappeared.
The decade ranging between the two last great dryness of 1973 and 1984
represents a kind of line of demarcation between two environmental and socio-
economic systems with very different characteristics. A negative synergistic
process, which seemed irrepressible, struck the ecosystem bringing it close to the
break point. Crop productions dropped down and herds were decimated. In 1984
the area seemed directed to become again a zone with a reduced population as it
was at the beginning of the century and without future.
The Keita valley has always represented a border for the Sahara desert,
allowing the development of a multiethnic community composed by peasants
coming from Southern regions and nomads from the North. The total population
increased from 65,000 inhabitants in 1962 to 230,000 in 2003.
2. The Keita Project
The Ader Doutchi Maggia Rural Development Project (PDR-ADM), known as
Keita Project, launched in 1982 in the framework of the Italian Initiative for the
Sahel to reduce food insecurity. It become operational in 1984 and since then it
has been active through three phases ended in 2003. The main objective was to
increase food security over a very large area, while combating desertification
through the reduction of soil erosion and reforestation. A new initiative (Fond
Local de Developpement dans l’Ader Doutchi Maggia, FLD-ADM) is starting
with the objective to complete existing interventions, fund local investments and
transfer the management and property to local institutions and organizations.
The PDR-ADM approach subdivided the project area into units, named
Elementary Territorial Units (UTE), where the project intervened by (Figure 1):
- reclamation of the plateau (1) and the abandoned land in the valleys (4, 5) for
agricultural and pastoral purposes,
- reforestation of the slopes (2), of the kori banks and dunes,
- creation of wind breaks and forest areas,
- control of the water flow in the kori by banks consolidation and small dams (3, 7).
Simultaneously the Project has also addressed the social and economic
development by building schools, medical centers, wells and roads, and providing
technical assistance and financial support for the creation of new economic
The main interventions 1984-2003 of PDR-ADM are showed in the table below
(MAE – DGCS, 2003):
Table 1 - Keita, Niger. PDR-ADM interventions until 2003
Reclamation and improvement of agricultural and pasture lands,
reforestation and dune fixation (ha) 34,483
Trees planted (n.) 18,000,000
Road construction (km) 313
Drilled wells (n.) 5
Excavated wells (n.) 708
Rural buildings (sq m) 28,000
Small dams (n.) 40
Dams (n.) 2
Weirs (n.) 251
More than 20 years of soil conservation and reclamation interventions makes
Keita an open-air laboratory where is possible carry out studies on the
environmental and socio-economic impact of fight against desertification actions.
The availability of long series environmental data and information concerning the
age and typology of intervention allows the development of specific
environmental analysis and indicators based on data rather than models. This
extraordinary situation gives the opportunity not only to evaluate the impacts of
PDR-ADM actions but also to model the behavior of natural vegetation (trees and
herbaceous) during the recolonization of degraded lands and foster future
development and potentialities.
3. Project results
The Keita project has played a major role in blocking the tendencies of
ecosystem degradation mainly due to climate changes and human activities and
improved the biophysical and socio-economic well being of the area. It has been
proved by a scientific evaluation of the Project impact (PEICRE, 1996). It was
funded by Italian Aid with the aim to localize and date the different interventions,
collect data, and review their effectiveness over time.
The project actions increased the availability of croplands, often by
reclamation of unproductive areas, and to increase output and productivity (Figure
2). In the same time land degradation and desertification has been limited and
large surfaces have been recovered. The project strengthened also the productive
structure of breeding sector by introducing forage alternative to grass and
improving the veterinary infrastructures and knowledge.
Moreover the productive structure of the area has been changed by the project
presence, the traditional agro pastoral-system, based on rain fed millet and
nomadic flocks, is getting more complex. Cash crops, as onions and sesame, have
been integrated with cereals, irrigation is becoming more diffuse, fish farming has
been introduced in the reservoirs, the commercialization of non-timber forest
products (Arabic gum, leafs, fruits) given by trees plantations was improved. At
the end of the century Keita reach a new environmental equilibrium, reversing the
degradation and desertification trends. Nowadays, Keita is indicated like an
example in the Sahel region and becomes therefore a point of reference in the
definition of policies and strategies to fight desertification in the Country and the
whole region.
In 2002, a second study (IBIMET-CNR, 2002) assessed the Project
contribution in the framework of the three main international conventions
(UNCCD-UNCBD-UNFCCC). The Keita system appeared an excellent test-site
for carbon sequestration. The study estimated that the Keita valley, thanks to the
project interventions, sequestered approx. 132,000 tons per year of CO2. This
output shows the potential that semi-arid regions have in carbon sequestration
within the Kyoto protocol.
Figure 2 – Keita (Niger), 1985-2003. Agro-pastoral production trends
Banquette Tranchée Glacis
The effectiveness of the Keita Project has been confirmed further by the data collected
on the three main types of intervention focused to soil conservation: banquette de
plateau, tranchée, and banquette de glacis.
The banquette de plateau have transformed the plateau, from a marginal resource for
breeding to a main resource with great potential, as demonstrated by the change in the
existing practices of the local population and the arrival of nomads population. This
resource played an important role in the establishment of a more flexible and less
vulnerable economic system. Data collected in 1996 (PEICRE) and 2003 (PAFAGE)
have shown that forage yields have increased by more than 90%.
The tranchée have proven extreme efficiency in eliminating, or at least strongly
reducing, the water erosion on arable lands and in allowing agriculture activities on
previously abandoned lands. The trees planted represent a valuable resource of wood for
cooking and goat feed.
The banquette de glacis have been effective in reclaiming arable land previously
subjected to desertification and abandoned. Even though, the poor quality of the soil
would not allow yields comparable to those coming from the best arable land in the
valley. The trees planted in the area produced eight times more wood per plant, than the
trees planted in the tranchée and yielded twice as much goat feed than the banquette de
Starting from 2003 Keita becomes a ROSELT1 environmental observatory,
operational by the means of PAFAGE Project (CeSIA IBIMET-CNR), funded also
by Italian Aid. The observatory becomes an opportunity to monitor the environmental
and socio-economic changes in the area, in fact existent databases have been updated
and environmental and socio-economic analyses have been carried out.
4. Environmental impacts
The impact of PDR-ADM interventions on the environment has been
monitored by a multitemporal analysis of land cover2. Changes in land cover are
the result of synergies of different factors (climate changes, interventions of PDR-
ADM and demographic pressure).
The environmental status before the beginning of the project testifies the
negative impact of climate and anthropic pressure on the ecosystems. 1962, the
slopes of the highlands were forested but in 1972 some signs of degradation were
Land cover classification is expressed by the LCCS standards of FAO-Africover.
Keita, Niger: the impact on environment and livelihood of 20 years fight against desertification
already evident and in 1984, the forest completely disappeared. Between 1984 and
2002, we assist to a progressive recovery of the natural vegetation (Figure 3).
Approximately, the diachronic land cover study shows that between 1984 and
2002 woodlands increased more than 300% (10,000 ha in 1984 to 45,000 ha in
2002) against a reduction in the shrubby steppes of the 30%. This tendency is
supported, besides the PDR-ADM intervention, also by the progressive increase
of rainfall, which was recorded as from the 1990s.
Even if the same dynamics is observed in the whole Sahelian part of Niger, this
trend has only reached such results in Keita, because of the intervention of PDR-
ADM and the control of the human pressure on natural resources. In addition of
wooden natural vegetation recovery there is also an evident increase of
agricultural surfaces (about 80%) resulting of the substitution of large grassland
areas (decreased about 70%) and of PDR-ADM land reclamation interventions
(about 20,000 ha). These data confirms that the tendency of natural vegetation
recolonisation is reduced by the increase of the human pressure.
More in depth, valleys and glacis are exposed to higher agriculture pressure
and the trend is to the extension of croplands. This happens in three ways: by
reclamation of degraded lands, by reclamation of grasslands or by clearing of
woody vegetation. The first one, supported by the PDR-ADM, concerns the slopes
of the Keita valley and also the sandy dunes of the eastern plateaus (Figure 4).
Land reclamation of grasslands has been push by demographic pressure especially
in the Keita and Insafari valleys. Woody vegetation clearing happens especially in
the secondary valleys where demographic pressure was low before 1984 and
strongly increased later.
Type of land cover 2002 ha 1984 ha Variation %
Woodlands 45,542 10,876 319
Shrub lands 67,422 95,950 -30
Grasslands 17,417 60,277 -71
Rain fed croplands 150,730 84,102 79
Irrigated croplands 1,006 968 4
Bare 124,196 144,998 -14
Dunes 21,847 32,441 -33
Andrea Di Vecchia, Giancarlo Pini, Francesca Soriani, Vieri Tarchiani
By the other hand woody vegetation restoration interests large areas on the
slopes and also in the valleys as gallery forests. This trend on the slopes is
particularly interesting where it is not directly due to Project interventions
(plantation in trenches), because it shows the effectiveness of the watershed
approach and the water management on plateaus and slopes (Figure 5).
Croplands degradation is also observed, due mostly to wind erosion and sand
accumulation. It gives evidence to the fact that desertification is still active even if
PDR-ADM interventions reduced its effects. In this context, the territory
monitoring in the aspects that could indicate a reactivation of the desertification is
very important especially in this phase in which the environment is slowly
recovering equilibrium.
5. Improvement of land productivity
The pressure derived from the population growth is nowadays one of the main
desertification factors, as consequence the classic environmental approach to fight
desertification is doomed to fail if it is not joined with actions aimed to reduce the
pressure through the creation and diversification of sources of income for the
In order to appreciate the project impact, not only the impact on environment
but also the improved productivity of the territory due to the intervention has been
studied. The productivity is assessed considering the main products contributing
to population livelihood: agriculture, forestry, and livestock. In the domain of
agriculture only rainfed cereals have been considered, no data being available
about cash crops productions.
Concerning plantations, this study considers only bloc plantation as tranchée
and banquette but doesn’t consider linear plantations as on the banks of the kori.
This choice is based on the methodological consideration that bloc plantations
will be or could be easily and directly managed at household level3 and their
production can directly enter in the livelihood estimation. On the contrary, linear
plantations are of public utility and cannot be exploited for private purposes.
Moreover, linear plantations are difficult to be inventoried and monitored.
Initially the study considered the whole project area and afterwards the analysis
has been focused on the two more common interventions: banquette de glacis
(bench terraces) and tranchée (trench), expressed per hectare.
5.1 General results
The whole project area produced in 2003 about 25,000 tons of wood, that on the local
market corresponds to about 450 millions of F CFA. In 1984 the value of wood
production is estimated (at the actual price) in 300 millions of F CFA. The variation is
therefore of 49%. The availability of leaf biomass is also increased, about 57%.
One of the objectives of the PDR-ADM actual phase is indeed to transfer the management of
interventions to local populations.
Keita, Niger: the impact on environment and livelihood of 20 years fight against desertification
5.2 Specific results
In order to appreciate the improvement on the income generation capacity, the
productivity of 1 hectare of glacis and 1 hectare of slope have been estimates both
before and after the PDR-ADM intervention.
The interventions on the glacis (banquette de glacis) had a yearly growth of
production estimated about 1,400% as consequence that in 1985 glacis were
degraded and uncultivated land. Besides the agriculture, that offers the highest
contribution (about 70%), forage produced by trees (fruits and leafs) and gums
produced by Acacias constitute the second contribution with a net increasing of
1,000% each. On banquette the increase of the yearly productions corresponds to
59,000 Francs CFA. Considering that 2003 GDP per capita in Niger was 232 US$
(WDI - World Bank) as 118,000 F CFA the increase of 50% of the GDP per capita
seems to have a great importance. Another important contribution to the economic
productivity is represented nowadays by the possibility of income offered by the
Carbon market in the framework of Kyoto protocol. In the table the CO2 value is
reported as CERs (Certified Sequestration Units) at the hypothetic European market
value (if forestation CERs could be accepted). In the total value of productivity the
CO2 contribution is not considered because it is in concurrence with wood production
whose value is, for the time being, higher. The CO2 is evaluated on the basis of the
carbon sequestered by woody aerial part and the root part of the tree. Carbon/wood
ratio applied is 0.4974 (experimental value for Acacia seyal).
The intervention on the slopes (plantation en tranchée) gives a net growth of
production value of about 700%. This growth is due mainly to forage and wood
components. The CO2, as for banquettes, is not included in the total value, and it
is given as supplementary information. Anyway, the value of CO2 is still less than
the correspondent value of wood fuel.
In comparison, 1 hectare of banquette de glacis is more profitable than 1
hectare of tranchée due principally to the poor soil fertility and the low soil dept
on tranchée. Of course, banquettes and tranchées have different roles incontrol the
erosion, both necessary for an integrated management of the territory.
Globally 6,471 ha of banquette de glacis and 8,097 ha of tranchées have been
built up to now and assuming the average productivity, when all the interventions
will be at normal running, a total value of about 500 millions of F CFA per year
will be reach. It means, transformed in cereals, the satisfaction of cereal needs for
about 19,000 persons.
The population growth reached the 80,000 units from 1984 to 2003, exceeding
four times the capacity of interventions to assure food security. This shows that the
traditional approach focused on strengthening rain fed cereals productions is not
sustainable on the long run and future intervention strategy should consider the whole
range of agro-sylvo-pastoral productions and also their transformation and
commercialization chains in order to support the development of new sources of
6. Conclusions
20 years of PDR-ADM interventions allowed the natural and production
systems recovery and stabilization. For this reason Keita became an example in
the Sahel, one of more interesting and dynamic economic pole of the country and
an attraction for the neighboring populations.
Notwithstanding the efforts and the indubitable results of PDR-ADM, the
traditional rain fed production systems are still reaching the saturation and the
ecosystem is suffering the human pressure. PDR-ADM approach was designed to
concentrate on the rapid recover from a decaying environment close to a physical
collapse. Now even the ecological equilibrium is demanding a reviewed strategy,
giving priority to the socio-economic dimension, based on developing alternative
sources of income.Important lessons have be learned from the Keita experience.
Land reclamation and conservation practices for agriculture activities are very
important but not sufficient to assure a perspective of development and the
balance between population needs and productions.
Furthermore recovery for degraded territory, such was the case for Keita, is
demanding projects lasting decade and not only years. Keita proved that the
recovering phase to regain the previous environmental balance is demanding
twice the time necessary for the degradation phase. It also provide basis to
recognize that prevention is extremely less costly than the reclamation.
To assure food security in Sahelian areas only by agriculture activities, with the
present population growth, will be not probably possible and sustainable in the
future. Considering that income produced by rain fed agriculture is not sufficient,
the promotion of initiatives aimed to strength the local economic systems by the
diversification of the production is necessary.
Future interventions to fight desertification need to join land conservation and
rehabilitation practices with specific actions aimed to develop new income
generation scenario in order to assure the sustainability and the success of the
interventions in a long-term view.
Andrea Di Vecchia, Giancarlo Pini, Francesca Soriani, Vieri Tarchiani
Finally deeper knowledge of the non-conventional productions should be a
starting point for the identification of a new and suitable approach aiming to
valorize any possible ‘means’ able at generating new sources of income with low
environmental impacts. Trees are a good example; they are an important source of
income for local population because traditionally they have multiple uses. Besides
the underestimated contribution of secondary products (leaves, fruits, etc) to the
domestic budget, trees are used for wood, other commercial products (gums, etc)
and in the future years, the possibilities given by the Kyoto Protocol in terms of
forestation and trade of the Carbon credits could be considerable.
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Copyright CCTM-Centro Città del Terzo Mondo, Politecnico di Torino evandro.costa@polito.it dicembre 2007
Esemplare fuori commercio per il deposito legale agli effetti della legge 15 aprile 2004 n. 106.
Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino
Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze
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